Allan Knighton (AllanOnSax), a seasoned musician with a successful career spanning over 20 years, finds creative influence from the legendary Kirk Whalum. Based in Atlanta, GA, Allan expertly fuses elements of R&B, blues, gospel, and contemporary music in his unique style. His debut album, "Where I Come From," launched in February 2019, serves as a testament to his exceptional musical prowess. Widely recognized for delivering extraordinary live performances tailored for discerning audiences, Allan has graced prestigious platforms such as NPR Tiny Desk and the Stephen Colbert Show besides collaborating with acclaimed artist 6lack, Jasmine Sullivan, P. Diddy, Rhapsody, & Nicole Buss. With a reputation that transcends boundaries of genres and generations, AllanOnSax stands as a prominent figure in the music industry, promising unforgettable and enthralling musical experiences for all who appreciate true artistry. Experience the magic of AllanOnSax today!